How to classified of sentence connectors

শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা,আজ ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্রের Sentence Connectors-এর শ্রেণিবিন্যাসকৃত ৬ নং ব্যবহার শিখবো।

৬. সমজাতীয় অতিরিক্ত তথ্য প্রদান করতে ব্যবহূত sentence connectors ঃ

(a) Phrasal connectors: And, both———and, or, as well as, along with, together with, accompanied by, with, including, apart from, in addition to, besides, and what not ইত্যাদি। এই connector-গুলো সাধারণত কোন noun/pronoun-এর পূর্বে বসে। যথাঃ

Rina and Bina were going to market. (‘এবং’)

Both Nuha and Suha were selected for the final round. (‘উভয়েই’)

In the evening I usually take coffee or tea. (‘অথবা’ বা ‘কিংবা’)

Sohag as well as Denesh has done this. (‘এবং’; এই বাক্যে Sohag-এর জন্য verb হিসেবে has বসেছে)

Rimi, along with her friends, is going to market. (এই বাক্যে Rimi-এর জন্য verb হিসেবে is বসেছে)

Ranu, together with her fans, has done this. (এই বাক্যে Ranu-এর জন্য verb হিসেবে has বসেছে)

Rina, accompanied by cousins, is going there. (এই বাক্যে Rina-এর জন্য verb হিসেবে is বসেছে)

I, with her friends, am going to the party. (এই বাক্যে I-এর জন্য verb হিসেবে am বসেছে)

Asia, including Bangladesh, faces problem. (এই বাক্যে Asia-এর জন্য verb হিসেবে faces বসেছে)

Apart from teaching, Rakib brands a new product. (‘ছাড়াও’ বা ‘ব্যতিরেকেও’)

Jamal has bought a shirt. In addition to this, he has bought a pant. (‘এর সঙ্গে’ বা ‘আরও’)

Sajib has a smart mobile. Besides this, he has a new bike. (‘তা ছাড়াও’ বা ‘এটি ছাড়াও’)

I gave her a dress, a mobile, a purse, a cheque of Tk. 10,000 and what not. (‘এবং কী না’)

 (b) Clausal connectors: And, either——-or, neither——-nor, not only——-but also, also, too, again, and so on, similarly, in addition, moreover, besides, furthermore, additionally ইত্যাদি। এই connector-গুলোর বেশিরভাগই বাক্যের শুরুতে, মাঝে কিংবা শেষে বসতে পারে। যথাঃ

She went to Faridpur and attended the birthday party.

Either Shilpi or her friend has done this. (‘হয় এ—না হয় সে’)

Neither Nabil nor Suboa was guilty for that. (‘এও না—সেও না’)

Rokon is not only a good student but also a good singer. (‘কেবল এটি নহে—ঐটিও বটে’)

He is an adroit programmer. His friend is also a good programmer. (‘ও’)

The man helps his friends. He helps his neighbours too. (‘ও’)

Sujana completes her homework. Again she helps her younger brother. (‘আবার’ বা ‘তাছাড়া’)

He does hard work, tries sincerely, solves every problem and so on. (‘এরকম আরো অনেক’)

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