JSC exam 2016 English 2nd part

Question No. 1: Article

Dear students , the English second paper No. 1 question, ie Article is given. This question will be given six sunyasthanasambalita a passage. Article must meet with the appropriate suunyasthana. First, he would try, then the answer will match.

Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross for zero articles.

(a) — ordinary garment worker in our country leads (b) — very poor life. She goes to her office on foot. Sometimes, she gets on (c) — crowded bus. She is (d) — object of other’s pity. She does not work in a congenial (e) — atmosphere. (f) — concerning authority should take some steps to upgrade their lifestyle.

(a) — few days back, (b) — honorable man paid a visit to our (c) — area. (d) — platform was built in (e) — open field. (f) — honorable man stayed with us the whole day and then started for the city.

Every student wants to do better in the examination. But it is not (a) — easy task. (b) — student has to do something for this , From (c) — very beginning, he must be very serious. He should read (d) — texts again and again. He must not make (e) — notes from a common source. He must follow (f) — particular method which is termed as an advanced one.
Since the creation of the earth, there is a strange relationship between (a) — men and animals. In (b) — recent newspaper article, we read about the Australian swimmer who was saved from (c) — shark by a group of dolphins. When the shark attacked (d) — swimmer, the dolphins chased it away. They saved (e) — swimmer’s life. It is believed, the dolphins that are free in nature live around 40 years. This is indeed (f) — unbelievable incident in the world.

Bangladesh is (a) — small country. It is basically (b) — agricultural country. Many people are (c) — unemployed. (d) — unemployed man leads (e) — miserable life. For the development of the country, employment scopes should be created for (f) — unemployed.

Bangladesh is mainly (a) — agricultural country. Once jute was the main cash crop of (b) — Bangladesh. Jute is (c) — kind of fibre. (d) — cultivation of jute is not easy. Recently, scientists have invented (e) — ways and means of making one kind of paper from jute. Once, the jute of our country had (f) — international recognition.

Nowadays, football is (a) — popular game all over the world. It is equally exciting to (b) — players and the spectators. It is a foreign (c) — game. It is played in an open (d) — field. At present, (e) — whole world is attacked with football fever. Football is still (f) — internationally popular game.
Mehenaj is (a) — bright student. She is (b) — honours student. She reads in (c) — Dhaka University. Everyday she goes to (d) — university. She is (e) — active girl. She is one of (f) — most brilliant students of the department.

Answer-30: (a) An; (b) a; (c) a; (d) an; (e) ×; (f) The
Answer-31: (a) A; (b) an; (c) ×; (d) A; (e) an; (f) The
Answer-32: (a) an; (b) The; (c) the; (d) the; (e) ×; (f) a
Answer-33: (a) ×; (b) a; (c) a; (d) the; (e) the; (f) an
Answer-34: (a) a; (b) an; (c) ×; (d) An; (e) a; (f) the
Answer-35: (a) an; (b) ×; (c) a; (d) The; (e) the; (f) an
Answer-36: (a) a; (b) the; (c) ×; (d) ×; (e) the; (f) an
Answer-37: (a) a; (b) an; (c) ×; (d) ×; (e) an; (f) the

Dhaka Residential Model College, Dhaka

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