how to changing sentences of Grammar


প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা,আশা করি সকলে ভাল আছো। তোমাদের পরীক্ষা নিকটে । তাই আজ তোমাদের সাথে ইংরেজী Grammar এর Changing Sentence নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। প্রথমে নিজেরা চেষ্টা করবে, পরে সঠিক উত্তর মিলিয়ে নিবে ।

5.(a) We are proud of our freedom fighters (Interrogative). (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten (Affirmative). (c) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing (Positive). (d) But today they lead a very miserable life (Exclamatory). (e) We should take proper steps to improve their condition (Imperative).

Answer :

a) Aren't we proud of our freedom fighters?(b) Their contribution will ever be remembered.(c) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.(d) But what a miserable life they lead today!(e) Let us take proper steps to improve their condition

6.(a)Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society.(Positive).(b)It  lies in every phase of our society.(Interrogative).(c)It paralyses the whole nation. (Negative). (d)The persons in the high rank of the society are not involved in corruption. (Affirmative).  (e) Social awareness is very essential to resist corruption. (Exclamatory).

Answer: (a)No other weapon to destroy a society is as dangerous as corruption.(b)Doesn't it lie in every phase of our society? (c)Doesn't it paralyse the whole nation?(d)The persons in the high rank of the society are immune from corruption.(e)How essential social awareness is to resist corruption!

7. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Cox's Bazaar is the longest sea beach in the world. (Positive)(b)Everybody knows this.(Interrogative)(c)Tourist and visitors from home and abroad visit this beach. (Passive)(d)They are highly delighted at the natural beauty of this place.(Passive)(e)Our govement is active to make more attractive. (Interrogative)

Ans;(a)No other sea-beach is as long as Cox's Bazar.(b)This is known to everybody.(c)This beach is visited by tourists and visitors from home and abroad.(d)The natural beauty of this place delights them highly.(e) Our govement is not inactive to make it more attractive .

8.(a)Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues.(Positive)(b)It makes us honourable in the society.(Negative)(c)It brings peace in mind.(Interrogative)(d)Truthfulness makes us faithful and reliable.(pass)(e)A liar rich man is not as respected as a truthful poor man.(Comparative)

Ans; (a) No other virtue is as great as truthfulness.(b) It does not make us dishonourable in the society.(c) Does not it bring peace in mind?(d) We are made faithful and reliable by truthfulness.(e) A truthful poor man is more respected than a liar rich man.

9. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Anger is a vice.(Negative)(b)It begets nothing but the worst (Affirmative)(c)Anger is one of the most inhuman vices .(Positive)(d)So we should control it for our own sake .(Passive)(e)Everybody dislikes an angry man .(Interrogative)

Ans; (a)Anger is not a virtue.(b) It begets only the worst.© Very few vices are as inhuman as anger.

(d) So, it should be controlled for our own sake by us.(e) Who does not disliked an angry man?

10.    Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Very few metals are as useful as iron  (Superlative) (b) It is used for construction purpose. (active)  (c) Bangladesh imports iron . (Interrogative) (d) It is a heavy metal. (Negative) (e) There is no building without iron. (Affirmative)

Ans; (a) Iron is one of the  most useful metals. (b)People use iron for construction purpose. (c)Doesn't Bangladeshi import iron? (d) It is not a light metal. (e)Every building has iron.

11.(a) Honesty is a great virtue (Interrogative). (b) Everybody likes an honest boy (Passive). (c) No other virtue is as great as honesty (Superlative).  (d) Honesty is never unrewarded (Affirmative). (e) It is greater than any other thing  (Positive).


(a) Isn't honesty a great virtue?(b) An honest boy is liked by everybody.(c) Honesty is the greatest virtue. (d)  Honesty is always rewarded. (e) No other thing is as great as it.

12. (a) Tree plantation is a noble task (Negative). (b) It is not a difficult task (Interrogative). (c) People must plant trees for their existence (Passive). (d) An important role is played by trees (Active). (e) Trees are one of the best friends of human beings (Positive).


(a) Tree plantation is not an ignoble task.(b)  Is it a difficult task?(c)  Trees must be planted by people for their existence.(d) Trees play an important role.(e) Very few friends of human being are as good as trees.

13.(a) Book is the best of all friends (Comparative). (b) It delights us (Interrogative). (c) A book is cheaper than most other things (Positive). (d) Who does not like a book? (Affirmative). (e) It is more valuable than any other thing (Positive).

Answer :(a) Book is better than all other friends.(b) Doesn't it delight us?(c) Very few things are as cheap as a book.(d) Everybody likes a book.(e) No other thing is as valuable as it.

14.(a) Walking is better than any other exercise (Superlative). (b) Everyone prefers walking as an exercise in the moing (Interrogative). (c) It keeps our body fit for working (Negative). (d) So, we should never forget this (Passive). (e) Good health is very valuable (Exclamatory).

Answer n:

(a) Walking is the best exercise.(b) Who doesn't prefer walking as an exercise in the moing? (c) It doesn't keep our body unfit for working.(d) So, this should never be forgotten by us. (e) How valuable good health is!

15.Industry is the key to success. (a) No one can prosper in life without industry (Affirmative). (b) We have to work for our prosperity (Interrogative). (c) Only the industrious people change the lot of a nation (Negative). (d) Women can contribute to our development as much as men (Comparative). (e) So, female education is one of the most important matters now (Positive).

Answer :

(a) One can prosper in life through industry. (b) Don't we have to work for our prosperity?(c) None but the industrious people change the lot of a nation.(d) Men cannot contribute to our development more than women.(e) So, very few maters are as important as female education now.

বরুন চন্দ্র সরকার

জাজিরা মোহর আলী মডেল উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়

জাজিরা, শরীয়তপুর

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