SSC Exam preparation 2017- English 2nd

Right from of verbs

Dear students, English is the second letter today to the question of Right from of verbs. After you answer these practices and will match it.

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.
take forget be start welcome enter thank answer ask walk
My first day at school is a memorable day in my life. I will (a) — the day as long as I live. It (b) — in January, 1976. I (c) — my schooling at a village primary school. My father (d) — me to the school for admission. We (e) — all the way to school. When I (f) — the Headmaster’s room. I greeted him. I was (g) — and given a seat. Then he (h) — me some questions. As I (i) — them he (j) — me cordially and affectionately.
(a) not forget (b) was (c) started (d) took (e) walked (f) entered (g) welcomed (h) asked (i) answered (j) thanked.
begin kill destroy be come stand put call die
The battle of Badr (a) — the most important among the Islamic battles of Destiny. It (b) — the first time when the followers of a new faith were (c) — into a serious test. If the pagan army (d) — victorious over the nascent Islamic Forces, the faith of Islam could have (e) — to an end. No one was aware of the outcome of the battle. The battle (f) — when Utbah Ibn Rabi-ah, his son Al Walid and his brother Sheiban (g) — in front of the pagan army and asked the Prophet (S) to send to them equals for a dual. The Prophet (S) (h) — upon Ali (R), Al Hamza (R) and Obeidah A1 Harith (R) to face the three warriors. Ali (i) — A1 Walid and A1 Hamza killed Utbah. Then they both helped Obeidah to kill Sheiban but Obeidah (j) — as he lost one of his legs and became the first martyr at this battle.
(a) was (b) was (c) put (d) had been (e) come (f) began (g) stood (h) called (i) killed (j) died.
implement finance power train generate earn change migrate work find
Bangladesh has an agro-based economy. The farmers are the main (a) — of this economy. There are many poor and landless farmers. They don’t have income (b) — projects to work on. Govt. and some NGOs are (c) — some projects for our rural development and poverty alleviation. Our unemployment people should have (d) — for self employment. They should be helped and (e) — for fish cultivation or other activities for earning. The trend of (f) — to the towns or cities should be (g) — . There should be Venus in the rural areas where the unemployed people will (h) — employment to (i) — their living. The Govt. and NGOs should (j) — jointly for this purpose.
(a) power (b) generating (c) implementing (d) training (e) financed (f) migrating (g) changed (h) find (i) earn (j) work.

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