এসএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীদের প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র

এসএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীদের প্রস্তুতি

ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র

Rearranging Sentences

সুপ্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ, আজ থেকে তোমাদের ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্রের ৭নং প্রশ্ন অর্থাৎ Rearranging Sentences-এর ওপর বেশকিছু Exercise দেয়া হল। তোমরা এগুলো আগে নিজে Practice করবে পরে উত্তর মিলিয়ে দেখবে।

Put the following parts of the story in correct order to rewrite the whole story.


(a) In 1914 when the First World War broke out, he wanted to join the army.

(b) At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius.

(c) On his return from the battle field, he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.

(d) In 1972 he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet.

(e) He died on 29 August, 1976.

(f) He wrote a lot of poems, short stories, gajals, novels etc. and traveled all the branches of Bengali literature.

(g) Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 B.S (1899 AD) at Churulia in the district of Burdhwan.

(h) At the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary soldier.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

g b a h c f d e


(a) He did not die a natural death.

(b) He was born in 459 B.C. in Athens.

(c) He would stop passers-by at different places in the street and asked them simple question.

(d) Socrates was the wisest philosopher and teacher of his time.

(e) His mission was to spread knowledge among the people.

(f) Socrates would often go out in the streets of Athens.

(g) He was killed by the rulers of Athens.

(h) He lived in Athens in Greece.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

d b h e f c a g

হাসান মঞ্জুর হিলালী

সিনিয়র শিক্ষক,

মতিঝিল মডেল স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ

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