primary school certificate exam 2016

Model test English
Full mark 100
Read the given text and answer the questions :                                

Raju is a firefighter. Long time ago, when Raju was in class five, there was a fire in his school building. Everyone got panicked. But soon a fire brigade came and put out the fire. Raju could not forget this for many days. After finishing HSC, he joined a volunteer fire department.

Now, Raju is a full time firefighter. His main job is putting out fires. He also trains young people to become firefighters.

In his free time, Raju likes to visit schools. He speaks about preventing fires. He tells students what to do if there is a fire. He also tells them that they should be physically fit, brave and careful to be firefighters.

(1) Write the answer of the following questions.       1×10 = 10

a) When did Raju read in class five

i) last year ii) long time ago iii) some time ago iv) two years ago

b) What is Raju?

i) a freedom fighter ii) a teacher

iii) a banker iv) a firefighter

c) Who put out the fire in the school building?

i) a fire brigade ii) a fire police

iii) a fireguard  iv) a firefighter

d) After finishing —, Raju joined fire department.

i) SSC ii) HSC iii) MSC iv) BSc

e) What type of firefighter is Raju now?

i) part time       ii) full time

iii) non-professional iv) volunteer

f) Putting out fire is Raju’s —


i) subsidiary     ii) tiring

iii) main                       iv) crucial

g) When does Raju like to visit schools?

i) at night ii) in spare time

iii) in the morning iv) at noon

h) Firefighters should be —-

i) timid ii) coward

iii) slow iv) courageous

i) Whom does Raju train?

i) old people ii) young people

iii) children iv) unwilling people

j) Carefulness is —- to become a firefighter?

i) unnecessary ii) less important

iii) very important iv) of no use

2. Match the words in column A with their similar meaning incolumn B.                         5

3. Answer the following the questions.                      2×5 = 10

a) Who is a firefighter?

b) What did Raju do after finishing HSC?

c) What is Raju’s main job now?

d) Where does Raju like to visit?

e) What does he tell the students?

4. Write a short composition in 5 sentences about ‘A Firefighter’

by answering the following questions:                          10                                                                                                                  

(a) What does a firefighter do ?

(b) How is his physical Structure?

(c) What does he do more than his main job?

(d) How does he do his job? how is his work useful to people?

(e) What do you think about his job?

Read the given text and answer the questions :                                

Once two women had a quarrel over a small baby. Each claimed that she was the mother of the child. They were brought before a judge. The judge listened to both the women. It was really a difficult case to decide. The judge was confused. After thinking deeply, the judge found out the solution. He ordered one of his men. ‘cut the child into two parts. Let each woman have one part.’ On hearing the judge’s order, one of the woman screamed out loudly and said, ‘Mercy, your Lordship. Let that woman have the baby. Let the poor thing live. I give up my claim of it.’ The other woman remained silent. The wise judge recognized the real mother. He gave the baby to the woman who was ready to give up her claim. He sent the other woman to jail.

(5) Write the answer of the following questions.         1×10 = 10

a) The judge was —

i) dilemma       ii) puzzled

iii) surprised     iv) angry

b) The fake mother was — after hearing the judge’s order.

i) happy                       ii) silent

iii) shocked      iv) one

c) The gudge ordered to cut the child into —

i) two parts       ii) no part

iii) three parts    iv) all

d) The two women were quarreling for —

i) ornaments     ii) a baby

iii) land                        iv) money

e) The problem was very —

i) complicated  ii) simple

iii) easy                        iv) decisive

f) Who claimed about the child?

i) real mother  ii) fake mother

iii) both            iv) none of them

g) The real mother gave up ——

i) claim   ii) hope  iii) baby iv) all

h) The fake mother was rewarded ——

i) the baby       ii)  jail

iii) a gift                       iv) garland

i) The real mother wanted that her child should ——

i) live  ii) die  iii) injure iv) go

j) What did the judge order ?

i) to give the baby ii) to cut the baby iii) to fell the baby iv) none of them

6. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from below.            1×5 = 5

Quarreling, Claim, judge, Recognize, Jail

(a) The false  mother was sent to —

(b) Two women were —— for a baby.

(c) The  — was  very wise.

(d) Both the women — the baby.

(e) The judge — the real mother.

7. Answer the following questions.  


a) Why were the two women quarreling?

b) What did the judge order?

c) Why did the judge order his men to cut the baby?

d) Why did the real mother scream out?

e) How  did the judge recognize the real mother?

8. Write five sentences on how judge identified the real mother of the baby. 10

Why did two women quarrel?

Why was the judge confused?

What did the judge order?

What did the real mother tell?

9. Suppose, you are Tuba/ Tuha. Write a letter to your friend. Nafisa/ Nafiz about The love of real mother to her child.                         10

10. Read the instruction about speaking the truth and then answer the following questions.                           6

a. Always speak the truth

b. Never tell a lie.

c. Remember that nobody believes a liar.

d. If you tell a lie, everybody will hate you.

e. speak the truth and you will be respected.

Questions :

i. What is a good habit?

ii. Why should you  be truthful?

iii. How can you earn respect?

11. Write 5 sentences about your leisure activities your class considering the following points.

[ write the time in numbers and period sequence in ordinal numbers in your writing]                            5

- When do you go to school library?

- How long do you stay in the library?

- When do you come back from the library?

- What time does your class start again?

12. Rearrange the following word so that they make sense.            5

a) Your/father’s /name/ what/is?

b) Mother/your/what/is?

c) Do /you /live/where?

d) Do /when/get up/you/bed/from?

e) daie

13. Imagine that your teacher has given you an English language resource center card like the following one. Now fill it with the information about yourself.   4                      

Date of  issue :…………………......                                              

1. Name :…………………………...

2. Home address :……………..........

3. School :………......………………

4. Class :…………………………....

5. Roll :……………………………..

6. Section : …………………………

7. Age :……………………………

8. Hobbies :…………………………

9. Date :…………………………….




1. a. (ii), b (iv), c (i), d (ii), e (ii), f (iii), g (ii), h (iv), I (ii), J (ii)

2. (a+iii), (b+i), (c+ii), (d+v), (e+iv)

3. a) Raju is a firefighter

b) Raju joined volunteer fire department after finishing HSC.

c) Raju’s main job is putting out fires.

d) Raju likes to visit schools

e) He tells the students what to do if there is a fire.

4.   A Firefighter

A firefighter is he who is engaged in putting out fires. To be a fighter a person should be physically fit, brave and careful. Besides his main job, a fighter  has to train young people to become firefighters. He does his job bravely and carefully even at the risk of his life and his work is useful to people as it helps them save their valuable lives. I think his job is very risky and difficult.

5. a (ii), b (ii), c (i), d (ii), e (i),

   f (iii), g (i), h (ii), i (i), j (ii)

6. (a) jail, (b) quarreling, (c) judge, (d) claim, (e) recognized

7.  a) The two women were quarreling for a baby.

b) The judge ordered to cut the baby into two pieces.

c) The judge order his men to cut the baby to identify the real mother.

d) The real mother screamed out to save her child.

e) The judge recognized the real mother by taking a judicious step. He ordered his man to cut the baby because it will not be possible to tolerate for a real mother.  She will save her baby at any cost. So In a judicious way the judge recognized the real mother.

8. Once two women had a quarrel over a small baby.  They were brought before a judge. The judge got confused to decide the case and so he ordered one of his men to cut the child into two parts. Hearing this, the real mother says, ‘Please, have mercy your lordship and let the poor boy live.’ However, this very order of the judge ultimately helped him identify the real mother.


October 20, 2016

Dear Marium,

How are you? I received your letter yesterday. In your letter you have wanted to know about the victory of truth. Here is a story for you about it.

Once two women had a quarrel over a small baby. Each claimed that she was the mother of the child. They were brought before a judge.  The judge was confused. At last the judge found out the solution. He ordered one of his men to cut the child into two parts. Let each woman have one part. On hearing the judge’s order, one of the woman screamed out loudly and said, ‘Mercy, your Lordship. Let that woman have the baby. Let the poor thing live. I give up my claim of it. The other woman remained silent. The wise judge recognized the real mother. He gave the baby to the woman. Thus the victory of the truth and the love of the real mother proved.

No more today. Convey my best regard to your parents and love to all.

With best wishes.

Your loving friend



i. Speaking the  truth.

ii. To be trusted, loved and respected by others.

iii. If I speak the truth and never tell a lie, I can earn respect.


I go to school library at 1.00 pm. I stay in library from 1.00 pm to 1.45pm I come back from the library at 1.45pm my class starts at 2.00 pm again.

12.  a) What is your father’s name?

b) What is your mother?

c) Where do you live?

d) When do you get up from bed?

e) idea.


1. Name : Rakibul Islam

2. Home address : Uttar Mnikdi, Dhaka cantonment, Dhaka-1206.

3. School : BAF Shaheen college, Kurmitola, Dhaka.

4. Class :  Five

5. Roll : 3

6. Section : Surjamukhi

7. Age : 12

8. Hobbies : Painting  and Gardening

9. Date : ..................



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