Example of Article and Preposition

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা Article and Preposition এর উদাহরণ গুলো দেখ।
1. Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put a cross (x) in those blanks.
A brilliant student is (a)———— asset. One day he may be, (b)———— engineer or (c)———— doctor. He makes (d)———— best use of his time. He does his duties accordingly. He knows that youth is (e)———— golden period of (f)———— life. He has (g)———— aim in life. He knows that (h)———— life without (i)———- aim is like (j)———— ship without a rudder.
2. Complete the text with suitable
Darjeeling is a town (a)———— the Indian State (b)———— West Bengal. It is located (c)———— the Mahdbharat range (d)———— an average elevation (e)———— 6,710 ft. It is noted (f)———— its tea industry. The main attraction is the Tiger Hill (g)———— where visitors can enjoy sunrise. Another attraction is the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway which was declared a World Heritage Site (h)———— UNESCO. It connects the town (i)———— the plains and has one of the few steam locomotives still (j)———— service in India.
Solution to Questions (1-2)
1. Use of Articles:
(a) an  (b) an  (c) a  (d) The  (e) the  (f) x  (g) an  (h) x  (i) an  (j) the / a
2. Use of Prepositions:  
(a) in  (b) of  (c) in  (d) with  (e) of            (f) for  (g) from  (h) by  (i) with  (j) in

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