জেএসসি পরীক্ষা ২০১৬ -ইংরেজী

ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্রের Suffix, Prefix

ইংরেজি  জেএসসি

বরুন চন্দ্র সরকার

জাজিরা মোহর আলী মডেল উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়

জাজিরা, শরীয়তপুর

প্রিয় জে,এস,সি পরীক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা আমরা ইংরেজি  দ্বিতীয় পত্রের প্রতিটি টপিক নিয়েই আলোচনা করব আজ  প্রথমে   Suffix,Prefix  নিয়ে আলোচনা করব  নিজেরা চেষ্টা করবে, পরে সঠিক উওর মিলিয়ে  নিবে । চর্চার কিন্তু বিকল্প নেই।

1. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text

1.An (a) healthy man leads a (b) pain life. He cannot enjoy (c) happy. He suffers both (d) physical and (e) mental. He passes his days with (f) tense. His life is very (g) sorrow. He is (h) active too.

 Ans:(a)unhealthy (b) painful (c)happiness (d) physically (e) mentally (f)tension (g) sorrowful (h) inactive

2 .Every man does not have the same ability. It differs from man to man. (a)educate can develop one’s ability, but yet the (b) differ remains. An educated man can do something that is (c) possible for an d)educated man. It is because education can (e) able him to do it.(f)academy education is not enough for (g)lighten the  mentality  of man. But it is necessary for awarding certificates and h) measure of knowledge.

Ans;(a) education(b)difference(c)impossible (d) uneducated (e) enable(f) academic (g) enlightening (h) measurement

3.Trees are (a) use to man in many ways. They are (b) company in our day to day life. It is (c) possible to build our homes, fuiture etc. Trees save us from flood and (d) nature calamities. It (e) strength the soil. If we cut down trees at random, there will be ecological (f) balance. So, tree (g) plant programme should be extended for a better, (h) happy and healthier life.

 Ans: (a) useful (b)companions (c) impossible (d) natural  (e ) strengthens (f) imbalance (g) plantation (h) happier.

 4.Population is on the rise in our country. Families are breaking. The (a)break  of joint families leads to the (b)separate  of family members. This is one of the dominant reasons  of (c)divide (d)division and (e)fragment of land.(f)consequent, the quantity of lands is g)gradual decreasing.  Too many boundaries on land cause problem in (h)cultivate.

Ans; (a) breakage (b) separation (c) division (d) subdivision (e) fragmentation (f) consequently (g) gradually (h) cultivation

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