English Grammar Test

Choose the correct answers from the following sentences.
1. Choose a sentence with the right order.
a. We don’t often go to the cinema. b. We often don’t go to the cinema.
c. We don’t go often to the cinema. (a)
2. Sarah _____ (to cook) delicious food now.
a. cooks b. is cooking c. has cooked (b)
3. I was writing a letter while my mother _____ (cook).
a. cooked b. was cooking c. had cooked (b)
4. Cookies _____ (make) from milk, eggs and nut.
a. are made b. make c. made (a)
5. Students _____ listen to their teachers.
a. could b. can c. must. (c)
6. This is Jane’s book. The book is _____.
a. her b. hers c. she (b)
7. I think she is _____ girl in our class.
a. more beautiful b. beautiful c. the most beautiful (c)
8. A car appeared ______.
a. sudden b. suddenly c. more sudden (b)
9. Fred is a person _____ can speak four languages.
a. who b. which c. whom (a)
10. I could not find any answer_____ your question.
a. to b. on c. at (a)
11. I don’t like to go to work _____ car.
a. in b. by c. on (b)
12. Mothers always give us much ______.
a. advice b. advices c. advicies (a)
13. There is _____ sugar in my cup of tea.
a. a few b. many c. a lot of (c)
14. John said, “I will go to the cinema tomorrow.”
a. John said that he would go to cinema tomorrow.
b. John said that he will go to cinema tomorrow.
c. John said that he would go to cinema the next day. (c)
15. Choose a sentence with the right order.
a. John drives to work every day.
b. John every day drives to work.
c. Every day to work John drives. (a)
16. I see _____ three men outside.
a. the b. x c. an (b)
17. The climate ______ (change) rapidly nowadays.
a. changes b. is changing c. has changed (b)
18. I _____ (play) the guitar at 9 o’clock yesterday.
a. played b. was playing c. had played (b)
19. Napoleon _____ (defeat) in 1815.
a. is defeated b. was defeated c. defeated (b)
20. You look very pale. I think you _____ go to the doctor.
a. should b. can c. may (a)
21. Who are these people? I don’t remember ______.
a. they b. them c. themselves (b)
22. I think BMW is a good car but my brother thinks that AUDI is ______.
a. good b. best b. better (c)
23. Rachel will have an exam soon. He studies very ______.
a. hardly b. hard c. hardest (b)
24. Washington is a city ______ was founded in 1791.
a. who b. which c. whose  (b)
25. He has a great interest ______ science.
a. in b. for c. at (a)
26. John gets up ______ 9 o’clock every day.
a. in b. on c. at (c)
27. Michael is very good ______ chess.
a. of b. in c. at (c)
28. Nicky always wears ______.
a. glasses b. a glass c. glass (a)
29. We don’t have ______ time for it.
a. few b. a few c. much (c)
30. Bob said, “Don’t disturb me, please.”
a. Bob said to me don’t disturb him.
b. Bob asked me not to disturb him.
c. Bob asked me didn’t disturb him. (b)
31. Choose a sentence with the right order.
a. I can to the swimming pool go with you.
b. I can go to the swimming pool with you.
c. To the swimming pool can I go with you.
32. I (never/ to be) to Spain.
a. was never b. have never been c. am never  (b)
33. Albert Einstein _____ (publish) a paper on the general theory of relativity in 1916.
a. published b. was published c. had published (a)
34. Many buildings ______ (destroy) by the great fire in London in 1666.
a. had destroyed b. had been destroyed c. were destroyed  (c)
35. I must be at work at 9 o’clock every day. I ______ wake up at 7 a.m.
a. can b. may c. have to (c)
36. I don’t like this old wardrobe. I am going to _____ (to get rid of something).
a. let it out b. throw it away c. give it up (b)
37. What a wonderful pillow! Have you done it by ______?
a. yourself b. you c. yours (a)
38. He took a puppy ______ he had seen 2 days before in the street.
a. who b. which c. whom (b)
39. Oh, please, don’t eat so many pancakes! You are ______ a diet!
a. on b. in c. at  (a)
40. Do you see the man? His face is very familiar ______ me.
a. for b. to c. with (b)
  1. There is (hair) _____ in my soup.
a. hair b. hairs c. a hair (c)
42. It’s late but Rob hasn’t come yet. I think ______ has happened.
a. anything b. something c. nothing  (b)
43. My little sister said, “I will never go to the circus again.”
a. My little sister said that she will never go to the circus again.
b. My little sister said that she would never go to the circus again.
c. My little sister said that she had never gone to the circus again. (b)
44. Choose a sentence with the right word order.
a. You would like some coffee?
b. Some coffee would you like?
c. Would you like some coffee? (c)
45. Is this ______ your new car?
a. an b. the c. x  (c)
46. Carol was eating a banana while Sandy ______ (do) his homework.
a. did b. was doing c. has done    (b)
47. The fire ______ (get) under control at 6 pm yesterday.
a. had been got b. got c. was got. (c)
48. John ______ drive a car very well.
a. can b. has to c. may  (a)
49. If you are not watching TV, _______.
a. switch it off b. take it off c. throw it away  (a)
50. Jerry didn’t do ______ wrong.
a. something b. anything c. everything (b)
51. Mark speaks German ______.
a. fluently b. fluent c. fluency   (a)
52. Carl has an aunt ______ is a teacher in a school.
a. who b. whom c. whose  (a)
53. Huge storm caused much damage ______ the city.
a. for b. at c. to (c)
54. I would like to pay ______ advance if you don’t mind.
a. in b. at c. on   (a)
55. How _______ photos do you need?
a. much b. many c. little   (b)
56. Paul asked me, “Will you visit Tom with me tomorrow?”
a. Paul asked me would I visit Tom with him the next day.
b. Paul asked me if I would visit Tom with him tomorrow.
c. Paul asked me if I would visit Tom with him the next day. (c)
57. Choose a sentence with the right order.
a. John does not often go to the theatre.
b. John often doesn’t go to the theatre.
c. Often John does not go to the theatre. (a)
58. Ernest Hemingway ______ (win) the Nobel Prize in literature in1954.
a. wins b. won c. had won (b)
59. Mark ______ speak both Bangla and English fluently.
a. should b. can c. must (b)
60.The class room is empty. I can see _____ here.
a. somebody b. anybody c. nobody  (c)
61. I think his behavior is _______.
a. innormal b. abnormal c. antinormal   (c)
62. Sarah is ______ beautiful.
a. amaze b. amazing c. amazingly  (c)
63. I met Alice, ______ asked me to tell you about the accident.
a. who b. which c. whom   (a)
64. I think his attitude ______ life is too pessimistic.
a. of b. for c. to (c)
65. Many animals are _______ danger.
a. by b. at c. in (c)
66. There are three ______ (brush) on the bathroom self.
a. brushes b. brush c. brushies    (a)
67. We don’t have _______ bread.
a. many b. much c. some     (b)
68. Alex, “I don’t like onion.”
a.Alex said that she does not like onion.
b. Alex said that she had not liked onion.
c. Alex said that she did not like onion. (c)
69. Which sentence is correct?
a. A federation is Australia of six states.
b. Australia is a federation of six states.
c. Australia of six states is a federation. (b)
70. Look! Your puppy ______ (swim).
a. swims b. swim c. is swimming (c)
71. I ______(drive) home at 7 pm yesterday.
a. was driving b. drove c. drive (a)
72. Kate ______ (go) to Australia next month.
a. is going b. was going c. will go (c)
73. The poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands” ______ (write) by Robert Burns.
a. is written b. wrote c. was written (c)
74. ______ you tell me where the hospital is?
a. should b. could c. must (b)
75. Mike, ______! It’s almost 10 o’clock.
a. hurry up b. grow up c. give up (a)
76. Sarah spoke to Brad Pitt ______.
a. themselves b. himself c. herself (c)
77. Kate has beautiful ______ hair.
a. gold b. golden c. goldish  (b)
78. Michael passed the exam ______.
a. easy b. easily c. easier      (b)
79. We visited a city, ______ I have never been to.
a. whose b. who c. which (c)
80. The humanity hasn’t found cure _______ the disease yet.
a. from b. to c. for (c)
81. I don’t like most of popular shows _______ television.
a. at b. on c. by (b)
82. Why is Rasha so angry _______ it?
a. of b. to c. about (c)
83. He eats ________ sweets every day.
a. much b. many c. a little  (b)
84. Which one is correct?
a. How far your town is from here?
b. How far from here your town is?
c. How far is your town from here? (c)
85. Have you ever been to _____ Sicily?
a. an b. a c. x (c)
86. Bob ______ (listen) to music when the doorbell rang.
a. was listening b. listened c. had listened (a)
87. Neither Professor Johnson nor any other faculty member _______ to apply for the dean’s position.
a. intend b. intends c. are intending  (b)
88. A fire in the ______ building could be a problem for the firefighters.
a. ninety-story-tall b. ninety-tall-story c. ninety- stories-tall  (a)
89. Their office consisted of three rooms; _______ was used as a conference room.
a. large of which b. the largest of which c. the largest of them (b)
90. _______ better, the team would have been able to defeat the opponent.
A. if it prepares b. had it prepared c. if prepares (b)
91. Nobody knows why ______ postponed until next week.
a. did the meeting b. was the meeting c. the meeting was (c)
92. The curriculum at the private school is as good ________ of any public school.
a. or better than b. as or better than that c. as or better that (b)
93. The greater the number of bacteria attacking the system ___________.
a. the sooner treatment must be begun b sooner must begin treatment               c. must begin treatment sooner (a)
94. The professor instructed the students ______ the essay without preparing an outline first.
a. not to write b. do not write c. to not write  (a)
95. The soldiers were unable to determine where _________.
a. the jeep had been left b. had the jeep been left c. had the jeep left (a)
96. Hardly ______ the office when he realized that he had forgotten to take his wallet.
a. he had entered b. had he entered c. entered (b)
97. Everyone knew that _______ this task would require a considerable effort.
a. working b. making c. completing (c)
98. His wife ____ told that he had had an accident.
a. was b. had c. had to  (a)
99. The salary of a bus driver is much higher ________.
a. than a teacher b. than that of a teacher c. to compare a teacher    (b)
100. “The Golden Earth,” ______ , is a novel set in China.
a. which was written by Pearl Buck b. which by Pearl Buck c. was written by Pearl Buck (a)

Edited by: Ahammad Ulla
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