দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র

2.Read the following passage and make a flow chart on the ways pandas can be protected from being extinct .
(One has been done for you) 2x5= 10
Though they are one of the most beloved animal species on Earth, pandas aren’t safe from the devastating effects of climate change. According to a new study, projected temperature increases in China over the next century will likely seriously hinder bamboo, almost the sole source of food for endangered pandas. Ninety-nine per cent of a panda’s diet is bamboo and an adult panda needs around 38 kilograms of bamboo every day. Only if bamboo can move to new habitats at higher elevations will pandas stand a chance of survival, the researchers said.
However, if conservation programs wait too long, human inhabitants and activities could claim all of the new habitats capable of supporting bamboo in a warming world. “It is tough, but I think there’s still hope, if we take action now,” said research team member Jianguo Liu... “If we wait, then we could be too late.” The researchers used various climate-change models to project the future for three bamboo species relied on by pandas in the Qinling Mountain region of China, which represents about a quarter of the total remaining panda habitat. These models varied in their specific predictions, but each forecasted some level of temperature rise within the coming century.
3. Write a summary of the following poem. 10
Because I have seen Bengal’s face I will seek no more;
The world has not anything more beautiful to show me.
Waking up in darkness, gazing at the fig-tree, I behold
Dawn’s swallows roosting under huge umbrella-like leaves. I look around me
And discover a leafy dome-Jam, Kanthal, Bat, Hijol and Aswatha trees-  
All in a hush, shadowing clumps of cactus and zedoary bushes.
When long, long ago, Chand came in his honeycombed boat
To a blue Hijal, Bat and Tamal shade near the Champa, he too sighted
Bengal’s incomparable beauty. One day, alas. In the Ganguri,
On a raft, as the waning moon sank on the river’s sandbanks, 
Behula too saw countless aswaths bats besides golden rice fields
And heard the thrush’s soft song. One day, arriving in Amara,
Where gods held court, when she danced like a desolate wagtail,
Bengal’s rivers, fields, flowers, wailed like strings of bells on her feet.
Hope you  are  in fine and fettle . This is the third part of a full model question (question no-4, 5&6). Read the passage and answer the questions. This will help in preparing yourself for exam. Answer will be published next day.
4. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the clues given in the box. There are more words than necessary. You may change the form of the words if necessary.                                                       0.5x10=5
Bengali people in the UK (a) ——-Bengali identities in many ways.  The lamp-posts  that are in green and red - the colors (b)——- the Bangladeshi flag. In fact everywhere one   look  he/she  finds (c)———cues of the Bangladeshi, and even more specifically, the Sylheti presence in the area. Storefronts advertise (d)——-from London to Sylhet, some on Bangladesh Biman (the national airline of Bangladesh)  and others on Air Sylhet, a private airline company formed by British Bangladeshis. There is a sign for Sonali Bank - the major(e)——-commercialbank of Bangladesh. There is a food store advertising (f)———fish from Sylhet’s Surma River. In 2001 British Bangladeshi leaders, including many of the second-generation 25 activists, led a successful (g)———via the Tower Hamlets council to gain the official designation of ‘Banglatown’ for Brick Lane and its surrounding neighbourhoods. With the help of street signs and an advertising (h)———, the hope was to give the area a distinct cultural identity that would be attractive to tourists and thus beneficial for Bangladeshi businesses located there. In fact the area has a number of (i)—— (i)30 Bangladeshi landmarks, such as Altab AH Park, the Kobi Nazrul Cultural Centre and the Shohid Minar Monument. Along with the official designation of Banglatown, these landmarks are matters of considerable pride for many British Bangladeshis, symbols of their (j)—— presence and political voice in Britain.
5. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words for each gap:-1x10=10
Migration to other countries especially to Britain nowadays has been an ever-present (a)——in Bangladesh  . For Bangladeshis to migrate to Britain (b)——from 1930.The second World War caused Britain  to (c)—-for from its former colonies like Bangadehi . Sylheti people were first to (d)——that call.Soon they (e)——a good network to take other people there.Not only the uneducated but also the upper urban and (f)——class people of Bangladesh settled there.It was found that there were  about 283063 people in 2001. The number (g)—-later on. The lager amount of people live in Oldham in London.Though they (h)——to be busy with their work and have little time to (i)——other , they often keep their ties with their relatives(j)——-.
6. Re-arrange the following sentences jumbled to make a coherent order.                                                 10
A diaspora is a movement of a group of people away from a country, either forced or voluntary.
At present, the word is increasingly used for such people as a collective group and/or a community.
Examples of such diasporas are the Bangladeshi community setting in London, or in Italy.
Finally, the impact of globalization has contributed to many voluntary diasporas in the recent past.
In the 20th century, the Palestinian diasporas has attracted inteational attention.
Recently, diasporas in Africa have taken place because of war or natural calamities.
The Dispora of the Aryans, from Europe to the Indian sub-continent a thousand years ago is also another
The Jewish Diaspora has been one of the oldest cases of diaspora, where Jews were forced out of their ancestral home.
The world has seen many Diasporas but scholars have been studying the phenomenon with great interest only in recent decades.
Thereofore, globalization has become the major reason for voluntary diaspora.
Answer to question no-4
(a)bear (b) symbolise/ze (c) visual (d) flights (e) state-owned  (f)frozen (g)tender (h) campaign(i) visible (j) hard-won
Answer to question no-5
(a) spectrum (b) dated (c) call (d) respond  (e) created (f) middle  (g)increased (h) seem (i) visit (j) strong
Answer to question no-6
Serial No  1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10           
Correct Order           i               ii              ix             viii           vii            v              vi             iv             iii             x

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