নবম-দশম শ্রেণি : ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র

পাঠ প্রস্তুতি

মো. ইমরান হোসেন, প্রভাষক রাজউক উত্তরা মডেল কলেজ উত্তরা, ঢাকা  

Affirmative to Negative

and vice versa

            Rewrite the following sentences as directed in parentheses.

1.         It begets only the worst. (Negative)

2.         We must nurse them as we do in case of growing a plant. (Negative)

3.         As soon as the Tigers made the Zimbabweans Bangla-wash, the whole country launched dancing with ecstasy. (Negative)

4.         We always remember their memories. (Negative)

5.         It is situated in the southern part of Bangladesh. (Negative)

6.         But the cook told him that the duck had only one leg. (Negative)

7.         We must protect them. (Negative)

8.         A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative)

9.         She always remembered that horrible sound.


10.       In those days there were no steamships. (Affirmative)


1.         It begets nothing but the worst.

2.         We cannot but nurse them as we do in case of growing a plant.

3.         No sooner had the Tigers made the Zimbabweans Bangla-wash than the whole country launched dancing with ecstasy.

4.         We never forget their


5.         Isn't it situated in the southern part of Bangladesh?

6.         But the cook told him that the duck had not more than one leg.

7.         We cannot but protect them.

8.         A life without an assignment is not an actual life.

9.         She never forgot that horrible sound.

10.       In these days there are steamships.

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