জে এস সি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি -ইংরেজি

Bangladesh & Global Studies
Mirazul Islam, Ex Lecturer
Dhaka Residential Model College

Multiple Choice Questions     
When did set up Madrasa in Kolkata?
a. 1964 A.D.   b. 1776 A.D. c. 1781A.D.              d. 1791 A.D.
Who established the Kolkata Madrasha?
a. Warren Hasting  b. Nawbab Abdul Latif         c. Sir Salimullah                    d. Sayed Ahmed Khan
Which is the oldest education institution in India?
a.  Kolkata University     b. Shanti Niketon
c. Kolkata Alia Madrasa                   d. Kolkata Madrasa
What was the purpose of setting up Kolkata Madrasa ?
a. Creation of job opportunity        
b. Co-operation of the Hindus
c. Spread the religious education       
d. Creation of religious feeling
When was the Sanskrit College set up for the Hindus?
a. 1780 b. 1791 c. 1860 d. 1781
In which year Kolkata University was established?
a. 1837b. 1840c. 1857d. 1757
What was the purpose of establishing Kolkata University?
a. For politics & research                
 b. For cultural education and research
c. For higher education and research
 d. For Muslim education and research
Who took steps to expand education and introduce mode science?
a. Lord William Bentink and Lord Hardings
b. Lord Dalhousie and Lord William Bentink
c. Lord Dalhousie and Lord Waylesly
d. Lord Dalhousie and Lord Waylesly
Who played the vital role to abolish Satidaha Protha?
a. Ishwar Chandra Bidda Sagar          
b. Raja Rammohan Roy
c. Sarath Chandra       d.  Bonkim Chandra
What was the basic principle of the non-co-operation movement in Bengal?
a. Sadeshi movemen     b. Showraj movement
c. Bengal division movement       
d. Six point movement
Who stopped the Sateedah custom?
a. Ishwar Chandra Bidda Sagar      
 b. Raja Rammohan Roy
c. Lord Canning          
d. Lord William Bentink
In which year the Muslim League was established?
a. 1885 A.D.     b. 1905 A.D.                                c. 1906 A.D.       ,  d.1911 A.D.
Where was established Muslim League?
a. Kolkata  b. Lahore  c. Karachi                            d. Dhaka

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