English 2nd part suggestion

Exclusive English 2nd part Suggestion for jsc Exam2016 suggestion

Writing E-mail

1. Write an email to your father for sending some money.

2. Write an email to your friend about inviting him/her to join a picnic.

3. Write an email to your father informing him about your preparation for the JSC Exam.

4. Write an email to your friend inviting him/her to spend the summer vacation in our village.

5. Write an email to your friend inviting him/her to attend the marriage ceremony of your sister.

6. Write an email to your friend thanking him for sending a nice birthday gift.

7. Write an email to your friend wishing him/her a 'Happy Birthday'.

8. Write an email to your friend about the annual sports day of your school.

9. Write an email to your friend requesting him/her to return the book borrowed from you.

10. Write an email to the railway booking clerk asking him to reserve a seat for you.

11. Write an email greeting your friend a happy new year.

12. Write an email to the Director of the Parjatan Corporation asking details of the tour to Cox's Bazar sea beach.

13. Write an email to your friend thanking him/her for their hospitality.

14. Write an email to your father informing him of your progress of studies.

15. Write an email to the manager of a travel agency to cancel your ticket.

Formal Letter

1. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for permission to go on a study tour.

2. Write an application to the Headmaster for increasing library facilities.

3. Write an application to the Headmaster for a transfer certificate.

4. Write an application to the Headmaster for a seat in the school hostel.

5. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for full-free studentship.

6. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for setting up a canteen.

7. Write an application to the Headmaster for a testimonial.

8. Write an application to the Headmaster for increasing common room facilities.

9. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for remission of delay fine.

10. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for morning school.

11. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for setting up a debating club.

12. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for opening a computer club.

13. Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner for immediate sanction of relief for the flood affected people of your locality.

14. Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for sinking a tubewell in your village.

15. Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for the repair of damaged roads.


1. Wonders of Modern Science/Blessing of Science/Science in Everyday Life

2. Student Life/Duties of Students

3. The Season You Like Most 4. Your Hobby

5. A Journey by Train/Boat

6. A Journey You have Made

7. The Importance of Reading Newspaper/Newspaper

8. Your Future Plan of Life/Your Aim in Life

9. Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh

10. Population Problem in Bangladesh

11. Your Childhood Memories

12. Your First Day at School 13. Tree Plantation

14. The Game You Like Most

15. Your Native Village

Hasan Monjur Hilali
Motijil School & College

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