SSC exam 2017 English 2nd

Right from of verbs
dear students
today presented right from of verbs 
Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.
can manipulate find comprise bring enhance
use involve help improve communicate reduce
Information technology is the technology that (a) — in creating, storing, (b) — and (c) — information. It is the end product of data processing. Micro computers have brought multidimensional disciplines to the information technology. Technology development in computer and electronics (d) — tremendous development in the field of information technology. It can (e) — the economic growth. It has many opportunities in the field of business. It can be used for transaction process, data warehouse, management information system etc. It (f) — its involvement in multimedia which (g) — text, sound graphics, video and animation. It can also (h) — in (i) — poverty. It can help (j) — the productivity of the working people.
(a) is used (b) manipulating (c) communicating (d) have brought
(e) enhance (f) finds (g) comprises (h) help (i) reducing
(j) to improve/improving.
read lit indebt receive give become learn be invent create
Thomas Alva Edison (a) — up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be a dark place. However, the electric light (b) — his only one invention. He also (c) — the phonograph, the motion picture camera and over 1,200 other things. Every two weeks he (d) — something new. Edison (e) — in a school. So, it is true that every (f) — man is self-educated. Education (g) — at institutions (h) — one inventive power. Science has (i) — indebted to him for his inventions. The present votaries of science (j)— to him greatly.
(a) lit (b) was not (c) invented (d) invented (e) did not read (f) learned
(g) received (h) gives (i) become (j) are indebted.
implement finance power train generate
earn change migrate work find
Bangladesh has an agro-based economy. The farmers are the main (a) — of this economy. There are many poor and landless farmers. They don’t have income (b) — projects to work on. Govt. and some NGOs are (c) — some projects for our rural development and poverty alleviation. Our unemployed people should have (d) — for self employment. They should be helped and (e) — for fish cultivation or other activities for earning. The trend of (f) — to the towns or cities should be (g) — . There should be Venus in the rural areas where the unemployed people will (h) — employment to (i) — their living. The Govt. and NGOs should. (j) — jointly for this purpose.
(a) power (b) generating (c) implementing (d) training (e) financed
(f) migrating (g) changed (h) find (i) earn (j) work.

Dhaka public school & college, Dhaka.

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