জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র

Section  A: Grammar-30

01.Use articles where necessary.

Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.            03

 A true friend is (a)--- asset. He stands by his friend in (b)---time of  danger. He is not a greedy person. He always wishes for (c) ----welfare of his friend. But it is (d)---- matter fact that(e)-----  ideal friend is  very rare today. Do you have  an  (f)---ideal friend?

02. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions from the list.   03







has an unquenchable thirst (a) - knowledge. He is never satisfied (b) - what he has known and leat. The curiosity (c) - knowing coupled (d) - the indomitable spirit (e) - adventure has inspired him to undertake and carry (f) - dangerous tasks.

03.Make four  sentences from the substitution table.                  04



Complete happiness





on various factors

rarely found

a relative term

from  person to person

04. Change the following passage into indirect speech.             04                                            

'Why are putting up the food in your pocket, sir?' asked the nobleman. 'I am

doing the right thing. My dress deserves the rich dishes,' replied Sheikh Sa'adi. 'Please tell me clearly what you mean to say,' said the nobleman.

05. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.                 05                                                        

(a)A mobile set is light to  carry. (Interrogative) (b) It is not expensive. (Affirmative) (c) Only a wicked person uses it for evil purpose. (Passive) (d) It is used for different  purpose . (Active) (e) No other thing is as useful as a mobile set. (Superlative)

06. Re-write  the following  passage using capitalization and punctuation.                03                        

the old man said can you give me some food i've been starving for two days the maid said why do you beg can't you work

0 7. Fill in the  gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.                                                                                                                    

04 A book fair is an (a) exhibit where different types of books are displayed and sold. Now a days its (b)popular is increasing day by day. (c)Lucky I visited the EkusheyBoiMela this year. Every year, it reminds us struggle and sacrifice of the language (d) move. The fair is organized by Bangla Academy (e)author in the premises of the (f)institute. I found a (g)differ environment in the fair and bought some (h)favour books.

Answer- 1: (a) an; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) a; e) an; ( f)x

Answer-2 : (a) for (b) with (c) of (d) with (e) of (f) out.

Answer-3: (a)Happiness is a relative   term.

(b)It varies from   person to person.

(c) Complete happiness is rarely found.

(d) It depends on various factors.

Answer.4. The nobleman asked Sheikh Sa'adi respectfully why he was putting up the food in his pocket. Sheikh  Sa'adi replied that he was doing the right thing. He (S) added that his dress deserved the rich dishes. The nobleman requested Sheik Sa'adi to tell him clearly what he (S) meant to say.

Answer;5 (a) Isn't a mobile light to carry? (b) It is cheap.(c) It is used by only a wicked person for evil purposes. D) People use it for different purposes. (e) Mobile set is the most useful thing.

Answer -6 :The old man said, "Can you give me some food? I've been starving for two days." The maid said, "Why do you beg? Can't you work?"

Answer: 7 : (a) exhibition (b) popularity (c) luckily (d) movement (e) authority (f) institution (g) different (h) favourite

বরুন চন্দ্র সরকার, সহকারী শিক্ষক

জাজিরা মোহর আলী উচ্চবিদ্যালয়,শরিয়তপুর

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