primary school certificate exam 2016 English

Competency based text
Dear students , English subjects 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 will be questions from your textbook outside the text. Competency based or qualification to these questions. Questions and answers for practice today and was given a sample text.

Read the text and answer the following questions 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9.
It was summer. The day was very hot. A crow became very thirsty. It flew here and there in quest of water. But it did not find water anywhere. At last it saw a jar. It flew down to it. But the water was at the bottom of the jar. So, it could not drink water. It tried to overturn the jar, but failed. At last it saw some pebbles near the jar. It picked up the pebbles one by one and dropped them into the jar. The water of the jar was up. The crow drank water and flew away.
5. Write only the answer on the answer paper.
i. Who was thirsty?
a. A fox b. A crow c. A passer-by d. A dog
ii. It flew here and there in search of —.
a. pebbles b. meat c. water d. nest
iii. What is the similar meaning of the phrase ‘in quest of’?
a. in lieu of b. instead of c. in search of d. in the long run
iv. What did it see at last?
a. a well b. a cave c. a ditch d. a jar
v. The water was at the — of the jar.
a. top b. middle c. bottom d. outside
vi. The crow could not — the water.
a. drink b. drinking c. to drink d. drank
vii. It saw some — near the Jar.
a. bricks b. sticks c. straws d. pebbles
viii) It picked — the pebbles. a. on b. into c. in d. up
ix. It dropped the pebbles — the jar. a. into b. in c. on d. under
x. — drank water and flew away.
a. The pigeon b. The cuckoo c. The kite d. The crow.
Answer to the question no. 5
i. b. A crow ii. c. water iii. c. in search of iv. d. a Jar v. c. bottom vi. a. drink vii. d. pebbles viii. d. up ix. a. into x. d. The crow.
6. Fill in the blanks with the best words form the box. Find the information in the story. There are extra word which need not use:

Thirsty, but, pebbles, anywhere, overturn, and, water, drop
a. The crow flew here and there in search of —.
b. It did not find water —.
c. It failed to — the jar.
d. It dropped — into the jar.
e. The water came up — the crow drank it.
Answer to the question no. 6
a. water b. anywhere c. overturn d. pebbles e. and.
7. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences:
a. Who was thirsty?
b. Why did it fly here and there?
c. Why it could not drink the water?
d. How did it drink the water of the jar?
e. Write the main ideas of the passage in five sentences.
Answer to the question no. 7
a. A crow was thirsty.
b. It flew here and there in search of water.
c. It could not drink the water because the water was at the bottom of the jar.
d. It dropped some pebbles in the jar as a result the water of the jar came up. Then the crow could drink the water.
e. Where there is will, there is a way. The crow was very thirsty. So it was very eager to drink water. It found a little water in a jar but it was beyond its capacity. But it tried its best. At last it could to drink.
8. Write at least 5 sentences about ‘The Crow’. [Remember to use capital letters, full stops and correct spelling]
Answer to the question no. 8
The Crow
The crow is a common bird in Bangladesh. It is ugly to look at. It is very useful to us. It caws in the morning. It eats dirty things.
9. Write a letter to your pen-friend about the common birds of your country. [Remember to include these things in your letter: date, address, salutation, main points for the letter, closing.]
Answer to the question no. 9
19 August, 2016
N.S. Road, Dhaka-1205

Dear Jack,
How are you? You wanted to know about the common birds of our country. I am going to tell you.
The Crow is the most common bird of Bangladesh. It is found everywhere. It is a black and ugly bird. The Parrot is another common bird. It has a red beak and a long tail. The Sparrow, the Doel, the Shalik, the Kingfisher etc. are called common birds. We can see them often. Doel is our national bird. The Tuntuni and the Babui are known as tailor birds. The Mainas live in our houses as pet. It can talk. The Cuckoo is a singing bird.
What about you? Would you please tell me about the common birds of your country? Convey the best regards to your parents and love to the younger.
Your loving friend,

Bir Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College, Dhaka

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