Primary School Certificate Exam 2016- English

Dear students, today is the question of the Unseen passages English subjects.
Read the text and answer the questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Long journeys in ships were dangerous and many sailors died. There were many dangers. Disease was one of the common dangers. A common disease was scurvy. Many sailors died of it.
In 1768, Captain Cook did something very strange. He took some barrels of lemons with him on his journey to Australia.
On that journey the sailors did not die of scurvy. No one knew why, but now we do. It is because lemons contain vitamin C. Vitamin C prevents scurvy.
Good food contains vitamins and vitamins prevent disease. We know that carrots and green vegetables contain vitamin A and C. Mola fish also contains vitamin A. Vitamin A is good for your eye sight.
There are five vitamins : A, B, C, D and E. Some food contains a lot of vitamins. Other food doesn’t.
5. Write the answer on the answer paper.
a. Long journeys in ships were ––––.
i. boring ii. dangerous
iii. joyful iv. exciting
b. There were many––––in long ship journey.
i. lemons ii. captain iii. fish iv. dangers
c. What was the common danger?
i. robbery ii. death
iii. want of water iv. disease
d. What was a common disease?
i. scurvy ii. fever iii. cold iv. malaria
e. When did Captain Cook did something very strange?
i. in 1868 ii. in 1668 iii. in 1768 iv. in 1968
f. He made a journey to ––––.
i. Australia ii. England
iii. India iv. France
g. He took –––– with him on his journey.
i. apples ii. lemons iii. grapes iv. bananas
h. What prevents scurvy?
i. vitamin K ii. vitamin B
iii. vitamin C iv. vitamin A
i. Lemons contain vitamin ––––.
i. A ii. B iii. C iv. A
j. What does Mola fish contain?
i. vitamin A ii. vitamin B
iii. vitamin C iv. vitamin D
Answer to the question no. 5
a. ii. dangerous b. iv. dangers
c. iv. disease d. i. scurvy e. iii. in 1768
f. i. Australia g. ii. lemons h. iii. vitamin C
i. iii. C j. i. vitamin A

Birsesthro Muchhi Abdur Rauf Public College, Dhaka.

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